Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gabriella now has a Bumbo! What a great (really, really GREAT) chair. Any parent with a baby needs one of these. They are supposed to be good for the baby's back. I worried at first that it may hurt her back but apparently it's the opposite. She's so happy when she's in it. She thinks she's a big girl. She is supported very well in there and I can sit her next the the computer, on the coffee table, dining room table, kitchen counter...anywhere there is a flat surface. The box says not to leave her on an elevated surface but I'm always right there. I wouldn't put her on the kitchen counter and walk out. It's nice and soft as well. LOVE IT!

Now, if they only had a Bumbo for grown-ups!

Evan is so funny. When we got it he asked, "How do you turn it on?". He had watched the 'Bumbo Baby' video.

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