Thursday, April 16, 2009

I need a moment to vent.

I am overly tired.
I have to get to the post office to ship out one order.
I am still knitting another order (a double order).
My hands are killing me. It even hurts to type.
I have a chicken tractor still to make and haven't even started on it.
Do I even have the nails that fit the nailing gun? I don't know.
I have a headache.
I still have a program to go to tonight and I don't wanna!
I have to set up and photograph an order that still isn't done by tonight.
My baby is behind me starting to cry because I turned my back on her for a second.
Evan needs a bath and Izabella still has to study her spelling words.
Did I mention I have a headache?
I still have to return Jennifer's call.
Why then am I on here venting??????

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