Thursday, May 7, 2009


I usually pop in here for my mindless rambling. If I have a minute or so or the kids are asleep and there's nothing else to do online I will just post just to post. Right now it's in the middle of the day. One child sleeping, one playing and one in school...not my usual blogging time but I needed to come in here or be bitchy and I really don't like the bitchy part. I decided to blog instead of making a snide remark that I may later reqret. I probably wouldn't regret it but just in case...

To You,
WHY must you go on every social networking site and pretend to be something you are not?? Are you afraid people will not like the real you? Maybe it's YOU that does not like the real you? I don't know what it is but you hopping from site to site pretending to be Ms. Polly Perfect is starting to get on my ever-loving nerves. I say this as someone who knows you and used to like you. Girl, chill the f*ck out. Seriously. Nobody gives a mierda. Somehow something happened and you turned into the biggest puta in this great state. Lay off the self-proclaiming as well. Usually titles are given to you by people who think you deserve them. You can't just make up a title for yourself and claim you are "it".
No! callate la boca!!!
That is not how it works.
It's your life, do what you want but I'm not sure what is going to happen when people meet you in real life. Or do you not leave your house? We all know that you do. (if you know what I mean).
Anyway, I cannot say this to your face because you are not a bad person and I don't want to hurt your feelings but you are really getting on everyones nerves with your crap lately. You should really stop trying so hard to make yourself "appear" a certain way. Here's an idea. If you like the image you portray online then why don't you work on making yourself like that in real life. Then you wouldn't come across as a phony to those of us who really know you? I don't know. Just a thought.

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