Saturday, May 9, 2009

Okay, who's the biggest geek??
That would be a big ME!
I went yarn shopping today and found some great yarn! I love it. It's actually a homespun (which is what I prefer to work with) and if I were to go and buy it it would cost about $68-$86...I found it for $5!! I cannot believe it. I asked the lady the price and I was ready to hear that it would probably take most of the money I had with me but then she said $5 and I almost choked! I wasted no time at all having her ring it up (I thought she would change her mind). She only had the one that I bought and she will CALL ME IF SHE GETS MORE IN!!!! OMG! She obviously does not know what it sells for online or from a spinner. YIKES! The price is crazy. The best part is that I can sell the pieces I make with it for really cheap since the yarn was so cheap.

Spent the day in Zanesville. Went to Applebees and ate a cheesburger quasadia. Shouldn't have done that.Felt like crap afterwards. Went to JoAnn's. Thought my bill was going to be $46 but it came up to $25. COULD I FIND ANY OTHER DEALS??? Turned around. Picked up more. LOL Got a chuckle out of an Amish lady shopping in Victoria's Secret. Could only imagine what she was wearing under her dress! Bought Izabella the 2nd book in the 'Twilight' series. Found yet another sale on a hard cover Stephen King book for Evan. It's a pop-up book named 'The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon'. It's a great book! Evan has not put it down all evening.

1 comment:

  1. I love that the Amish woman was shopping in VS....oh the dirty secrets I bet she's got. I'd love to be a fly on her wall lmao
